"C:\Program Files (x86)\Speech2Go Voice Package\vox\vox_en_us_chipmunk22i" renamed to "vox_en_us_salli22i" in _182726390000 (ivona- October 2015) but it didn't workĩ9% sure that's a yes.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Speech2Go Voice Package\vox\vox_en_us_salli22i" // works with _182726390000 (ivona- October 2015) ( deleted "vox_en_us_salli16i-mf") but not any of the newer Sali Voices "C:\Program Files (x86)\Speech2Go Voice Package\vox\vox_ru_tatyana22i" // works with (ivona- April 2017) Vox_ru_tatyana22v works with (ivona-1.6.78 February 2016) Ivona_Voice_1.6_Tatyana_22kHz.dat named as "lang_ru_ru.dat" makes (ivona- April 2017)" not show up. Dat files from a new Voice: all tested on Andoid 11 with ivona.tts_1.0.0.0c.apk So the latest Voice version from IVONA 2 is 1.6.76Īs Far as Using New PC Voices on Android i looked in to if you i can swap in Vox &. # Voice info according to S2GRaport.exe Ivona_Voice_1.6_Tatyana_22kHz.exe - IVONA 2 Voice Tatyana22 - Vendor:IVONA Software Sp. Renamed Ivona_Voice_1.6_Tatyana_22kHz.dat to Ivona_Voice_1.6_Tatyana_22kHz.exe # Ivona_Voice_1.6_Tatyana_22kHz.exe FileDescription", "IVONA 2 Voice SAPI5 1.6.60 setup" "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (c) IVONA Software Sp. Originally available the Ivona Site it's self, but where deprecated in 2015 in favor of selling though partners NextUp and Harpo C:\Program Files (x86)\IVONA\IVONA 2 Voice\voices // vox files like vox_xx_NAME22v