The ASTER DEM files on GPS Visualizer's server have been upgraded to ASTER version 3, which was released in 2019. Freemap.sk (styled OpenStreetMap data with shading and contour lines) is now available as a background option in GPS Visualizer's Google & Leaflet Maps. Location History and Semantic Location History JSON files from Google Takeout are now supported by GPS Visualizer. CSV export files from 's Connected Car Assistant device and smartphone app can now be converted or mapped with GPS Visualizer. You can now draw an in in-map elevation profile of a single track, using an icon in the track's info window. Leaflet and Google maps created by GPS Visualizer can now display ski trails from OpenSnowMap as a background map option. More 30m-resolution DEM elevation data has been installed on GPS Visualizer's server: new LIDAR-based files ("ODP1") for Iceland, and NASA SRTM1 data for Central America, the Caribbean, and northern Queensland. When tickmarks are added to a Google or Leaflet map, the "description" field of the tickmark will now contain the distance (for time-based tickmarks) or time (for normal distance tickmarks), if your input file contains the relevant data. If you create a Google or Leaflet map where the markers are displayed in folders in the marker list, you can use the gv_options.marker_list_options.folder_zoom parameter to automatically include a "zoom to contents" link next to the name of the folder.

The JavaScript-based tool that can retrieve elevation data from the Google Maps Elevation API (using your Google API Key) has been updated so that it can look up 500 points at once this saves both time and calls to the API. GPS Visualizer's "NED1" collection of elevation data has been updated with the latest files from the US Geological Survey's 3D Elevation Program, which uses LIDAR to improve the accuracy of elevation data. GPS Visualizer is based in Portland, Oregon, and has been on the Web since October 2002.

xlsx),Īnd of course tab-delimited or comma-separated text. Garmin MapSource/ BaseCamp/ HomePort (.gdb),

GPX (a standard format used with many devices and programs, including Garmin's eTrex, GPSMAP, Oregon, Dakota, Colorado, & Nüvi series), GPS Visualizer can read data files from many different sources, including but not limited to: Or, you could send an Amazon wish list item. GPS Visualizer is a free service and hopefully always will be however, if you find it interesting, time-saving, or just plain fun, you can say "thanks" - and encourage further development - by clicking the button above and making a contribution via credit card or PayPal.